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Yorkshire county team results
Full team scores from team matches including KGV Heats and Finals, Inter-counties, Bisley county matches, Roses Match.
Results taken from NRA prize lists and scored recorded from matches, some details are quite patchy in places with gaps in years. 

Club team results
Full team scores for YRA affiliated club team matches in Astor Heat and Final, Bingham Shield.
Results taken from trophy engraving with some going back as far as 1904.

Open meeting results
Full individual scores for Spring and Autumn Open Meetings.
Scores for 2013 on are recorded for each competition. Pre 2013 most open meetings are recorded as single prize lists or summary sheets going back to 2004. Pre 2004 they do exist as Word docs and will be uploaded eventually.

Grab yourself a cuppa, sit back and trawl through the archives; see if you can find that 50 you got at Strensall 20 years ago!